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Study & Body Doubling

By shodgson 25 Mar 2024

What is body doubling?

The term "body double" started being used in the late 1990s in discussions about executive functioning and ADHD. It's become more popular recently, especially because of remote work during the pandemic.

Body doubling is basically having someone around while you work to help you focus and get things done. It's especially helpful for people who have trouble starting tasks or staying focused.

The cool thing is, the person doesn't even have to do anything to help. Just their presence can make you more productive. So whether you're working with a friend in the same room or on a video call, having someone there with you can boost your motivation and help you finish your work.

Find the right body double

The best body double is someone who understands what you're trying to achieve and can create a good work environment, whether they're working with you or just nearby. Make sure to talk openly about what you expect and what's okay.

And remember, it's not always best to pick friends or family, especially if they might distract you. Find someone who can keep you motivated and on track without getting in the way of your goals

Before diving into body doubling, it’s crucial to assess your needs, set clear goals, and consider it as part of a broader strategy for developing independent executive functioning skills.

Practical how-to steps include:

  • starting with a pre-assessment,
  • setting SMART goals,
  • identifying suitable tasks,
  • finding the right body double,
  • creating a productive environment,
  • and evaluating the process to make necessary adjustments.

However, it’s important to avoid common pitfalls like choosing the wrong tasks, neglecting personal work styles, and becoming overly reliant on the body double.

Create a productive environment

Whether you're together in person or online, it's important to create an environment that helps you concentrate. This could mean finding a quiet place, wearing noise-cancelling headphones, or setting up a video call just for working together.

Measure your success and make adjustments

Make sure to track your progress. Notice which tasks you're getting done faster and where you're improving the most in staying focused. Use what you learn to change how you work, and don't be afraid to try different ways of body doubling to see what works best for you.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

Here are some common mistakes to avoid during body doubling sessions to ensure they're productive:

  • Choosing the Wrong Tasks: Not all tasks are suitable for body doubling. Avoid tasks requiring deep focus or creativity that might be affected by another person's presence. Stick to tasks benefiting from added motivation and accountability.
  • Lack of Structure: Going into a body doubling session without a plan can waste time. Set clear goals, timelines, and a plan beforehand to stay focused and productive.
  • Overreliance on the Body Double: Don't depend too much on your partner for motivation or accountability. Body doubling is about improving your own work habits, not relying on someone else to push you.
  • Ignoring Feedback: After each session, discuss what worked and what didn't. This helps improve future sessions. Feedback is key for making adjustments and enhancing the experience for both participants.