Waste not, want not - navigating recycling at UWE
A guide to unravelling the whys of eco-friendly behaviour
More lifestyle information
Travelling in and around Frenchay Campus
The Students' Union at UWE and UWE Bristol Sustainability In
Opportunities to sing and play at UWE Bristol
You can hire out activity packs from UWE Centre for Sport
Attention all gym-goers!
Never miss out on the latest updates.
The ultimate destination for anyone looking to get fit
UWE's very own personal fitness trainer
Just moved in and looking for something to do?
Reducing food waste helps us live more sustainably
Battery bins located in your hall reception areas
Get quick access to all events information and latest news
When should I contact Student Life?
A convenient way to pay for UWE products
University fees can be a tricky thing to get right,
The ultimate cheesy sharing dish!
Money hacks that could save (and make) you some serious cash
Becoming plastic-free is a goal for many
Money tips
We asked what makes you feel Zen
Why should you start cycling?
Moving away from home can be challenging
Explore all the opportunities the university offers
What is Gradlink?
Easy, affordable and DELICIOUS recipes
You don't have to make massive changes to be healthy
Having a spring clean? Moving out?