Setting up your rent instalments

Posted 2 years ago

Your Accommodation Licence fee states that you should...

...provide either card or bank details to enable us to collect your rent instalments.  If you have not yet completed this part of your contract, you must now take immediate action to rectify this.

Please complete one of the following:

Go to and provide your bank details for a Direct Debit


Go to and provide your card details to set up a recurring card payment plan.

The instalment plans are:

8 consecutive months – from 1st October 2023 to 1st May 2024 (suitable for those paying from a monthly salary)We require 10 working days’ notice prior to the first collection date to enable successful set up of your instalment plan.  If you do not submit with sufficient time, your payments will be divided over the remaining available instalments.  

3 equal instalments  1st October 2023, 1st February 2024 and 1st May 2024 (suitable for those paying from their maintenance loans, as these payment dates are in line with your receipt of loan)We require 10 working days’ notice prior to the first collection date to enable successful set up of your instalment plan.  If you do not submit with sufficient time, you will be required to make the 1st instalment by an alternative method.

NOTE: Please e-mail once you have provided your payment details with indication of which payment plan you would like.

Please note that failure to follow these instructions may result in you being asked to leave UWE Bristol Accommodation.

Further information can be found in the Money Matters guide via UWE's Money and Finance service or by emailing: