Get your second year house SORTED!

Posted 7 months ago

Feel like ago since you signed for your second-year house?

Well, moving day will be here before you know it and if you want a stress-free few days, there are a few things you need to get sorted.

Some stuff can be easily forgotten about amongst the huge amount of boxes and bags, but here’s a little nudge in the right direction...

1. Standing order

You should have discussed with the estate agent/landlord how often you are going to pay your rent. If you can’t remember or don’t know, it will tell you in your contract. The most common are monthly or quarterly standing orders. Your landlord will give you their details and you can sort this through online banking or by nipping into your nearest branch.

2. Bills

There are a couple of options for bills; you can do each bill individually and pay through direct debit, or some companies do an all-inclusive package which means you pay one sum and they sort the bills for you. This is sometimes more expensive than if you do it on your own, but, it can save a lot of hassle. It’s up to you but make sure you do your research! 

3. Collecting your keys

Now, this is when it starts to get a bit more exciting! You will have to talk to your estate agent or landlord about when you can collect your keys but once you have them in your hand, it will feel very real. Let the excitement begin! This does also come with the task of sorting your inventory... 

4. Your inventory

Your landlord/letting agent might tell you to fill out an inventory form, this is where you will need to go round checking the condition of the property and the items in it. These are essential for resolving deposit disputes at the end of your tenancy. A good idea is to take pictures of everything once you move in and also when you move out, just in case.

5. Decorating

Now for the exciting part, this is where you can really make it homely. Head to places like B&M or IKEA where you can get some new decorations for cheap, your housemates could all chip in for decorations in the communal areas. Remember you're living in this property for a year so make it somewhere you can chill out and relax. Just double-check your contracts as you don't want to start sticking up posters and then realise you're not allowed blue-tac on the walls!

And that's it, we hope you enjoy your new home and have lots of incredible memories there!