Visit Stoke Park

Posted 1 year ago

Next to Frenchay Campus

by Suleima Abbara

Now the weather is beginning to brighten up, get some air and take in the beauty of Stoke Park, right on the doorstep of Frenchay campus.

Frenchay campus and Glenside campus are located on opposite sides of Stoke Park Estate, which is a historic parkland full of greenery, nice views of Bristol, beautiful woods, and wooden art. With a 10-minute walk from either campus, you will find a space to do various activities to enjoy the fast-approaching spring.  

What to see: 

The Dower House 

One of Bristol’s main landmarks is The Dower House (commonly known as The Yellow Castle), which is located in Stoke Park, set on a hill above the M32 motorway and painted yellow. The house was built in 1553, and has also been used as part of Stoke Park Hospital, which closed in 1985, and is now concerted into private flats.  

The Duchess Pond

There are also 2 small lakes in the parkland, the larger one is Duchess Pond. It is used for fishing and many wildlife birds are sighted near it.  

Woodland Areas

The land hosts many woods that can be enjoyed and explored with friends, pets, or even alone. Animal wood art is hidden between the trees in the woods, and there are many wildlife animals that occupy the woods. 

Activities to do:

  • Walk, jog or run to the Yellow Castle. The park is full of hills that will challenge your muscles, as well as beautiful woods that are fascinating to go through. Arrange to go with a friend on an afternoon or go alone for a morning jog. Remember to share your location with someone you trust before heading out alone.
  • Picnic with friends on a sunny day is a great social activity, especially with some delicious pastries from the local shops in Cheswick Village. You don’t need any fancy picnic equipment, just a blanket to lay food on it would do, along with some eco-friendly cutlery like paper plates and cups. Make sure to clean the are before you leave!  
  • Outdoor sports with your housemates or course friends is another thing you can do in Stoke Park, as there is loads of open space to play Frisby, badminton, or even some yoga. You can also find the rope swing in the beautiful forest!
  • Go to the ponds and watch the ducks and birds. You can also be lucky and see the goats feeding on the grass. 
  • Go on a hunt to find all the animal wooden art in the woods. They are carved on trees in hidden areas, and there are loads of new wooden art that keeps popping up around the park.  

Even on a rainy day, don’t be discouraged to pay the park a visit. Just bring along a raincoat and rainboots, and follow along the manmade paths to avoid the mud.  

How to get there:  

There are various points where you can enter Stoke Park, below are the shortest paths from Frenchay Campus and Glenside Campus.