Posted 11 months ago
Sat 13 Apr, 2024 12:04 PM
... but it can also be demanding. Adjusting to a new environment, increased workload and financial worries are just a few of the demands students face whilst being at university. As a student, you’re not alone in feeling lonely. The commonality of this emotion makes it very likely that someone you know is also struggling.
According to a 2022 survey, Wellbeing and Loneliness – Community Life Survey, approximately 3 million people in the UK said they feel lonely often or always. While loneliness is not a mental illness in and of itself, feeling lonely can negatively impact your mental health. Research by MIND Charity, suggests that loneliness can increase the risk of anxiety and depression. In addition, loneliness also has adverse effects on physical health.
Although loneliness is common across the population, it is a complex and unique experience, varying from person to person. This emotion can affect anyone, regardless of their age, gender, or ethnicity. However, in recent years, it has become more apparent that loneliness is affecting younger people including university students.
Dealing with loneliness
Meet new people: You may feel lonely, but you’re not alone. University is a very social environment, and there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people. Of course, it is easy to say and can be difficult to take that step into unknown territory.
UWE has an incredible range of groups, clubs, societies, and events that you can explore.
The Student Life Team: Offer lots of events and activities. You can contact us directly if you want to discuss attending one of our events, but do not feel confident in coming along. We can discuss ways that this may be made easier for you and one of the team would be happy to meet you prior to an event to make that first step less daunting. Check the Events tab for details on what’s on. Contact us if you'd like information or support.
UWE MOVE: The Centre for Sport has a vast array of free activities, including meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, swimming, relaxation sessions, team sports, dance and fitness. To find out more, check out the timetable HERE
Not only will this enable you to meet new people, but it will also encourage you to partake in a sport or activity that you enjoy. It is a great way to meet like-minded people and help you become part of a wider community.
The Students’ Union: has a list of Societies you can explore; see HERE
And also a comprehensive calendar of events: HERE
The Centre for Music: The team are currently moving across to the Farmhouse, in their new bespoke environment. This is situated behind Wallscourt Park accommodation. They offer music lessons and courses, playing and singing groups, plus the facility to record and produce music. See more HERE
The Chaplaincy: Offer informal support as well as spiritual guidance and wellbeing activities. See more HERE