UWE Drugs and Alcohol Advisory Service

Posted 4 months ago

Did you know UWE Bristol is a harm reduction university?

We believe that a harm reduction approach is in the best interests of our student community and as an institution as it aims to reduce the negative health, social and legal impacts associated with drug use and minimise barriers to accessing support.

We do this by offering UWE Bristol’s Drugs and Alcohol Service to students who would like to discuss their substance use with a professional.

What can I expect from accessing the service?

Non-judgemental advice, support and information. Students can expect to have a discussion with our specialist practitioner which will be led by what you. The aim of the sessions is to empower you to make informed decisions around your substance use and gain tools and understanding on reducing the risks.

Explore the webpage for more info:

How can I book a drug and alcohol appointment?

To book an appointment, you can complete the form via Infohub (login required):

  • Go to the Appointments tab 
  • Select the 'Drugs and Alcohol' topic
  • Look for an available drug and alcohol appointment
  •  Let us know in the comments box if you have any accessibility requirements. Please contact us if you have any questions by email at dandaservices@uwe.ac.uk.