Posted 3 years ago
Mon 22 Nov, 2021 12:11 PM
There are different types of flatmates: the one you just seem to click with, the one you spent a lot of time with at first so you’re pretty much cool, the one who seems a bit quieter, the one who doesn’t want to come out during Freshers, the one who stays in their room, and the one that, have they moved in yet…?
For all the different types of flatmates, there will be some you get along with and it’s easy, and others that it’s a bit more challenging to live with. For this reason, there are things you should know to make living in UWE accommodation that little bit easier.
First, you are not alone!
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Flatmates are just one group of people you’ll spend time with, but there are a lot of other people around campus. There are lots of events happening all over campus, so make sure you get involved with everything that takes your fancy and introduce yourself to your neighbours.
There are events at the Student Union during Freshers and beyond that will help you meet new people. Student Life hold events and competitions throughout the year to help you get to know your neighbours, make new friends, and feel at home at UWE. And there are societies to join. If you like Snowboarding, Climbing, Football, DJing, Anime, Roleplaying, or Harry Potter, there’s even Quidditch Society. If you think of it, there’s probably a society, or the chance to make your own new one. You will meet people through your course, and they’ll come in handy when you start working on projects, assessments or need to revise.
Secondly, Student Accommodation does get noisy.
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Familiarise yourself with the noise policies. No one wants to annoy their flatmates or security by blasting tunes throughout the night. Be considerate. If you are affected by noise and its coming from your flatmates try and talk to them.
If there’s a whole group of people making noise, or you’re already in bed, or it’s not someone you know, then call Customer Services (07:00 – 19:00) or Campus Security (19:00 – 07:00) to report it. Security can come up anonymously and advise them to stop. If noise becomes a bigger issue, then contact your Accommodation Manager, as they will be happy to help.
Thirdly, First year can get messy.
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We’ve all seen those kinds of flats. The bins are overflowing, the place smells really bad, the floor is inexplicably sticky and the bread is growing a new species. It’s bad. To avoid this, you can set up some kind of agreement with your flatmates for cleaning and tidying communal spaces. That should help. If you can’t agree or it’s always one person doing all the work, or making all the mess, then contact Accommodation Services.
What if your flatmates are up to something?
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We have an e-listening service at UWE to report anything you’re worried about anonymously. If it’s an emergency, call reception as they can get security to help you out.
UWE also have a Report and Support tool, here you can report any anti-social behaviour or anything you've experienced that makes you feel upset or uncomfortable.
What if you need someone to talk to, or you are just struggling a bit settling in?
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You can always contact the Wellbeing Service, they can help you with your mental health and personal development needs. We also have a team of Campus Life Assistants, they're students just like you, who have experienced first year and also work for the University, they're a great source of knowledge and super friendly!
What if I don’t like my flatmates?!
It’s unfortunate when people fall out who live together, and sometimes there is not a solution that everyone is happy with. If you want to talk about anything affecting you then contact Accommodation Services who can talk through your situation and discuss any options that are available to you.
Can’t you just move out that flatmate and I can move in my friend?
No. We will not force anyone to move out of UWE accommodation unless they have breached their Terms and Conditions.
What if I need help out of hours?
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Out of normal office hours, that's 19:00 - 07:00 Monday to Friday and all weekend our lovely Student Support Officers are on hand, in the Student Centre (Wallscourt Farmhouse), you can call or email them.