Student Life
Posted 3 years ago
Thu 13 Jan, 2022 12:01 PM
Accommodation Terms and conditions
Spot checks
The University will reserve the right to conduct spot checks of the above accommodation. The check will be made on communal areas and your bedroom 🛏️. A member of staff will knock on the door 🚪 if you do not open the door, the member of staff will enter in the room. The spot checks will continue until we are satisfied with the results and no further action will be taken.
Any confiscated items
As part of this warning ⚠️, and our UWE Accommodation Disciplinary Policy, you will waive the right to any items that have been confiscated during this final warning as the item will be disposed by the Accommodation Services within 28 days of this letter.
You may wish to contact 📞 a Students’ Union representative for advice. The UWESU Advice Centre provide independent advice to students and can be contacted on 0117 3282676
UWE Wellbeing
Due to the nature of this warning, we would like to remind you that the University Wellbeing Service is available to help and support all students with any issues or queries. They are very approachable, understandable, and the service they offer is confidential. They can be reached by using the link below:
Independent alcohol and drugs support
SPACED is a new service for students who are experiencing problems with alcohol 🍺 and drug 💊 use. You can access specialist one-to-one support on-campus for free. This service is provided by the South Gloucestershire drug and alcohol service, Developing Health and Independence (DHI).
Accommodation Services can make a referral for you into this service, or alternatively you can find more information on the SPACED website.
You have the right to appeal against this decision. Any appeal must be put in writing within 7 working days of the date of this letter to:
UWE Accommodation Services