A Guide to Accommodation Meetings

Posted 1 year ago

Why have I been invited to a meeting?

We could invite you in for an accommodation meeting for a range of reasons, such as:

  • To discuss a security report, fire report or another situation which has worried us.
  • To sort out any conflicts or housekeeping issues in your flat.
  • To check up on you and provide you with support.
  • Because you have asked for our help.
  • To check in generally – we sometimes arrange more general meetings.
  • To help with an investigation, sometimes we need help getting the right facts about an incident.
a woman sitting at a beach

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Do I have to go?

  • Yes - you must attend an accommodation meeting as part of your contract. 
  • If you are unable to attend, please let us know as soon as possible.  We will try our very best to rearrange however if you continue not to attend we may have to make a decision in your absence.

Who, when, where?

  • Meetings will usually be with your accommodation manager(s), or sometimes other members of the accommodation team.
  • We will check your timetable first to make sure you are free. Meetings are held from Monday-Sunday between 8am and 7pm although we try not to drag you out of bed too early.
  • Most accommodation meetings are held at our N-block offices (near Starbucks, where those in the student village pick up their parcels). However, sometimes meetings may take place elsewhere.

How long will it take?

  • Meetings usually last between 30-60 minutes.
  • We prefer to resolve any issues within the meeting however with more complex cases it is sometimes necessary to have follow-up meetings. We will keep you updated during the whole process.

Am I in trouble?

  • We’re here to support you through the whole process and you will be provided with additional support through the university if requested.
  • We are fair and consistent with all residents, considering your personal circumstances and making a balanced decision

You can find a link to our processes here: https://www.browzer.co.uk/uwe/disciplinary-flow-chart_130785

Your Rights

  • To be listened to – When we ask you questions we’ll take the time to hear everything you have to say and take it all into account, we want to help.
  • To bring a someone to support you (friend, flatmate, SU rep) – they cannot speak for you directly, however, but if you need support you are more than welcome to bring it.
  • To take a break – If at any time you feel you need to take a break or think about what is being discussed please ask.
  • To understand what is being discussed – if you have any questions or we aren’t being clear enough please ask us to explain, we want to support you not leave you in the dark.

What we need from you

  • To show up on time - if you don’t know where the meeting is being held, let us know ahead of time so we can make sure you get there on time.
  • To tell the truth – We want too support you and can’t do that effectively if we only know half the truth, telling us what’s going on upfront saves a lot of hassle and stress later on.
  • To listen and take what we are saying seriously – we can’t help you without you helping us.