Laundrettes on Campus
Student Life
Posted 3 years ago
Mon 16 Aug, 2021 12:08 PM
Student Village, Wallscourt Park and Glenside
The laundry facilities in UWE accommodation (with the exception of Purdown View) are provided by Circuit Laundry. You will need to sign up to the app or collect a top-up card to use the laundry facilities. You can collect a top-up card from your Customer Service Desk if you do not use a smartphone.
The Circuit Go App | №1 Managed Laundry Equipment Supplier
Laundry facilities can be found in the following areas ......
Student Village
- Mendip Pavilion
- Quantock Pavilion
- Brecon pavilion
- At the bottom of block 3, opposite the entrance to block 2
- Next to the Wallscourt Park security office
- Beside the entrance to H-block
- Beside the entrance to block 2